Human capital education and exchange of good practices.

University of Gdańsk Faculty of Management and University of Akureyri in collaboration with PAOP undertake to organize scholarship contest .

Responsible fisheries


Scientific cooperation

Since its creation our organization cooperate with National Marine Fisheries Research Institute 

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June 10th, 2020

Almost 80% of the fish consumed worldwide comes from sustainable stocks

Evidence shows that management is the best tool for conservation


This week, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has unveiled its famous biannual report on the state of the World’s Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020 (SOFIA) that monitors global trends on fish production and consumption with a focus on sustainability. The report brings about good news evidencing an increase of global capture fisheries production and an increase of seafood consumption, while confirming that the vast majority of landings come from biologically sustainable stocks.

April 2nd, 2020

EU Fishing Industry welcomes European Commission’s proposal as a first measure to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 Crisis

The European Commission today published a legislative package in response to the severe economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the fishing industry. The proposed framework unlocks existing EU funding and market schemes to support affected fishers. The EU fishing industry welcomes the emergency measures proposed by the Commission to try to mitigate the adverse effects of those who are being directly threatened by the crisis and to calm the tension in our markets. The sector looks forward to a quick adoption by EU authorities allowing a speedy and flexible implementation of the provisions in the Member States. The Industry is disappointed that no extra-funding is included and is calling that this be addressed as a matter of urgency in light of the fact that otherwise the measures proposed will not be effective to cope with the unprecedented crisis.

October 25th, 2019


North Atlatnic Producers Organisation in cooperation with the Faculty of Management of the University of Gdańsk, the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk and the University of Akureyri School of Business in Science in Iceland undertook to organize the second edition of the scholarship competition, with the aim to support Polish students intending to study at the University of Akureyri under the Scholarship Program Erasmus.


The event inaugurating the PISCES (Polish Icelandic Scholarship - Exchange Studies) competition with the participation of representatives of the Honorary and Program Council of the PISCES Competition took place on October 24 at the Faculty of Management of the University of Gdańsk.

November 22nd, 2018

World Fisheries Day dedicated to secure decent work in the fishing sector

On the occasion of the World Fisheries Day, the FAO and the Holy See joined forces once again to host a successful event focusing international attention on the fair treatment and well-being of fishers around the globe. Europêche, on behalf of the EU fishing industry, participated together with international organizations, government representatives, trade unions and relevant stakeholders in this year’s event titled ‘Labour rights are human rights: working together to ensure the rights of fishers – fighting trafficking and forced labour in the fishing sector’. United Nations specialized agencies in fisheries and their Member states were urged to work together to promote the ratification, implementation and enforcement of internationally agreed social standards to support the livelihoods of 38 million fishers in the planet.

November 7th, 2018

Inauguration of PISCES Contest



North Atlantic Producers Organization Ltd. in cooperation with the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk and the University of Akureyri School of Business and Science in Iceland undertook the organization of a scholarship contest, which aim is to support Polish students willing to study at the University of Akureyri under the Erasmus Scholarship Program. The event inaugurating the PISCES competition took place on November 7, 2018 at the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk.

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