We offer employment aboard our fishing vessels and are currently searching for experienced professionals as well as young inexperienced candidates for the following posts:
- deck fisherman,
- fish processing worker,
- boatswain,
- engine mechanic,
- electrician,
- mechanical engineer,
- electrical engineer,
- mechanic of processing machines (Baader),
- processing technologist,
- deck officer,
- cook.
We offer attractive conditions of employment and opportunity for continuous development.
The best candidates will be offered long-time cooperation.
Young candidates will have an opportunity to improve their skills and gain experience.
If you are interested in the offer, please send the recruitment application form (to be downloaded here), a cover letter and a photocopy of documents qualifying to undertake employment aboard sea vessels, to:
Dalekomorska Organizacja Producentów Ryb Sp. z o. o.
ul. Parkowa 13 / 17 / 123, 00 - 759 Warszawa
or email them to
Note to Candidates
High Seas Fish Producers Organization informs all persons interested in employment aboard HSFPO vessels that neither HSFPO nor any of its member companies charge any fees for submission or processing of job applications, either directly or through any parties representing the said companies.
Such actions are considered illegal, in particular under Article 5 of the Act on Work Aboard Seagoing Merchant Ships of 23 May 1991 (Journal of Laws [Dz.U.] of 1991 no. 61 item 258), the infringement of which is subject to penalty stipulated in Article 92 of the said Act.
Management Board of Dalekomorska Organizacja Producentów Ryb Sp. z o.o.
Management Board of Atlantex Sp. z o.o.
Management Board of Arctic Navigations Sp. z o.o.