Human capital education and exchange of good practices.

University of Gdańsk Faculty of Management and University of Akureyri in collaboration with PAOP undertake to organize scholarship contest .

Responsible fisheries


Scientific cooperation

Since its creation our organization cooperate with National Marine Fisheries Research Institute 

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January 19th, 2022

European bottom fishing industry shows a united front in Brussels

Today, an alliance of fishing organizations from 14 EU countries[1] representing over 22 000 fishermen and 8 000 vessels, presented to Fisheries Commissioner Sinkevicius the importance and realities of bottom fishing activities across Europe. The meeting was requested by the industry due to the negative perception expressed by the Commission towards certain bottom gears and against the background of the Action Plan that the Commission is developing to further protect fisheries resources and marine ecosystems in the context of EU’s 2030 Biodiversity Strategy. The industry showcased the sustainability and overall importance of these widespread fishing methods in all EU member states and demonstrated that these fisheries are well regulated, controlled, researched and widely certified.  


Press release

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